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Writer's pictureUtopia Natural Face & Body Spa

Taking Time Out – Just for You!

Being told to make more time for self-care isn’t a new thing. All over social media and in magazines around the globe, gurus and self-help experts (plus a multitude of memes) are forever telling us to take care of ourselves a bit more.

In a perfect world, self-care shouldn’t be negotiable. Even as a busy mom or parent, if you have a full-time job and responsibilities, you need to look after you. It’s easier said than done though; we all know how it feels when you’ve been so busy doing things for everyone else you totally need a vacation.

You can’t give anything of yourself to anybody else if your own stores are depleted, and while it’s true that women especially are very good at looking after others, it’s easy to become completely empty and exhausted if you forget to make time for your own needs.

Don’t let life get to the point where you feel like you have nothing left to give; look after yourself, treat yourself to a spa massage or a gorgeous facial, get yourself outside in the fresh air, you could even buy yourself your favourite flowers. Taking time out for YOU also gives you the power to say no to the things that you really don’t want to do.

Don’t neglect yourself, ever...

When you constantly put everyone else first, you end up letting your own, just as important needs slide and not doing the things that make you happy. If you’re overwhelmed by life’s demands and the busy-ness of it all, there’s no better opportunity take a step back and do something just for yourself. Like a massage or a sumptuous beauty treatment to relax you and revive your body, mind and soul.

So, when you’re tempted to work through lunch again because it’s too busy, remember that looking after yourself actually makes you more productive. You owe it to your co-workers!

It’s true that we need some stress to get things done - but too much is the complete opposite. Zap some stress away from your day with a walk in the sunshine or chat with friends. Doing things you enjoy stops stress from taking over, making you more productive - and much nicer to be around, too!

Pushing yourself to the point where you’re exhausted isn’t good for anyone, and if you make an effort to take some time out before it gets that bad you’ll avoid a lot of stress.

Whether it’s a spa day, a facial, a glass of wine with your pals or a session at the gym, remove yourself from a stressful issue and you’ll feel the benefits immediately. Escaping for a while can help you to find a solution, so get your focus back by walking away - and the answer may just come to you.

So...Have we convinced you to take care of yourself now?

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