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Writer's pictureUtopia Natural Face & Body Spa

Skincare for Confident Teens

Teenage years are hard enough as it is – they have to contend with growing up and all the changes that go with it, at the same time as exams and stress from school. The stresses of teenage years, combined with hormonal upheavals can lead to blemishes and breakouts, which doesn’t help with other issues that affect teens – or their confidence levels. Spots, blemishes and congested skin can really lower confidence and add to the stresses teens have to handle.

So, what can kids do to make the most of their skin at this awkward age? To avoid making things worse, get your teen checked out by a skin care expert, you need to work with them, and stress the importance of getting skin back into balance and keeping it there, with as little effort as possible. We all know that most teens, younger ones especially, won’t commit to a complicated skincare regime, so let’s keep it basic.

Good skin starts from the inside, so try to get them into the habit of replacing soda with water, at least some of the time...

Keep it clean! Encourage them to wash daily, with a light, sulphate- free cleanser that’s suited to teenage, blemish or acne-prone skin.

There are plenty of face washes formulated for teens, that are quick and easy to use, and just need to be massaged onto damp skin. Get your teen into regular skin cleansing from an early age. For girls, you can also encourage a ‘less is more’ approach to make up. Despite the YouTube tutorials saying otherwise, nobody needs a full face of make up in their teens, except for the occasional special event.

If your child is dealing with a breakout, treat them to a professional facial skin care treatment to get things started. The esthetician can then recommend a skin care regime that will suit your teen’s skin perfectly, and properly explain how to manage breakouts too. According to some skin care experts, if you can afford it, it can help to buy two or three different products and rotate them regularly for best effects. This counteracts the problem that some people have when a product that seems to be responding well, stops working.

If their problem seems to be overall oily skin, with no, or just a few breakouts, you might want to try topical products designed to mop up the oil. There are lotions that contain alcohol which dry out the excess oil, although these can be harsh on younger skin. Oil inhibitor products also help but ask advice from your esthetician so that your teen doesn’t do more harm than good with overly drying products.I

For serious outbreaks that are ruining your teen’s confidence, you might want to consider a course of laser or LED light treatments. Blue LED light has been shown to help treat acne-prone skin effectively, as it kills the bacteria that lead to breakouts. It’s non- invasive, pain-free and can really work.

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